MAY 27, 2022

D1 Hall

Time: 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Venue: D1 Hall
Team Size: 1 Members Only.
Coordinators: Tejaswini P A, Spoorti B M, Pavan H, Amogh H
Contact: Ph - 9035572948, 9481544511, 7893980086, 9916259228
Pencil Sketching
Rules and Regulations:
  • The time duration is 2 hours.
  • Individual Event.
  • Participants are not allowed to use any water colors or paints.
  • Only pencils are to be used. Drawing sheets will be provided (Paper size is A2).
  • The topic will be given one hour prior the event.
  • Any kind of vulgarity and indecency is not permitted.