MAY 27-28,2022

Department of Chemical Engineering

Time: 7:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Venue: Department of Chemical Engineering
Team Size: 1-1
Coordinators: Prof. Kirankumar Rathod, Prof S S Inamdar, Sujeet Singh Thakur, Yashas James.
Contact: 7259571481, 94817062752, 7022920825, 9972105936
CHEMICAL Human Snake and Ladder

Rules and Regulations:
  1. Single player.
  2. No electronics gadgets are allowed.

It will be a human snake and ladder where the participant will move up and down the large board based on the points scored on answering the questions asked based on science and technology. The participants will pickup one chit numbered from 1 to 4 and based on the number obtained a question will be asked and on answering that question same number of points will be provided on answering wrong referee will deduct the marks accordingly and the player will have to move back.