MAY 27-28,2022
Time: 7:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Venue: D-3
Team Size: 2-3
Coordinators: Dr. Keshava Joshi, Prof. Kirankumar Rathod, Karthik Gurikar, Abhishek Badiger.
Contact: 9980998266, 7259571481, 9740191031, 8431775197
Rules and Regulations:
- Maximum 3 students in one group. (min 2)
- Time duration 5 hours.
- Thermo Cole, fevicol, cutters, drawing pins, cardboard, Colour sheet, straws will be provided.
- Each group can carry their own materials like, sketch pen, marker, plasters, oil colors.
- Any other decorative material can be brought ex: small balls, pipes, pet bottles etc.
- Use any marterials available inside the campus ex: leaves, grass, etc. is allowed.
- You are allowed to use electronic items like LED, motors, Wires & etc.
- The use of laptops is allowed.
TIP: Use of moving parts fetch bonus points.
Use of waste materials will fetch bonus points. - College Identity card has to be produced during registration.
Each group will build the model based on topic which will be given during the competition.