MAY 27,2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SDMCET, Dharwad

Time: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Venue: Department of Mechanical Engineering, SDMCET, Dharwad
Team Size: 2-2
Coordinators: Dr. V.S. Yaliwal, Prof. Abilash Desai, Dr. Prof. Jayaraj Kudariyavar, Prof. S. R. Daboji, Prof. A. V. Javali, Prof. V. P. Pandarikar .
Contact: 9242896639, 9964840353
Mech AutoBraganza

Rules and Regulations:
  1. Participants should carry their college IDs, INSGNIA IDS and event coupons.
  2. The teams can have menmbers from different engineering Colleges.
  3. An annount of Rs. 150/- per team will be taken on the day of registration.
  4. Every participant must carry a valid id card of their respective college.
  5. Each team must have 2 members.
  6. The organizers reserve all rights to disqualify any team for usage of unfair means.
  7. The teams have to attend all the sessions lor one day.

For any clarifications. please contact: - Dr. J.K. Kudariyavar (, 9448630544).


Demonstration of live engine assemblies, gear box, clutch, Braking System, Differential etc. There will also be lecture session and some hands on exposure to students to learn Automobile systems and Components.