MAY 27,2022


Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Team Size: 2-2
Coordinators: Dr. V.S. Yaliwal, Prof. M. K. Marikatti, Dr. Anilkumar H. C.
Contact: 9242896639
MECH Mechmarize (Paper Presentation)

This event gives an opportunity for students to prepare Technical paper on selected topics and to present it the event. The theme of this event is to inculcate the habit of writing technical papers in students.

Rules and Regulations:
  1. The team should consist of maximum of 2 members.
  2. The paper should be according to the IEEE format.
The Paper must Include the following details:
  1. Name of participants.
  2. Registration ID.
  3. Mail details.
  4. Contact details.
  5. College name.
General lnstructions:
  1. Subject of the mail should contain the category to which the paper belongs (Technology, Humanity., Integrity, Nature., and Knowledge).
  2. The soft copy of the papers must be sent to the following e-mail id which will be given later.
  3. The papers must be submitted in the specified IEEE format.
  4. Send the paper in Microsoft word format.
  5. Last date of paper submission will informed.
  6. For any clarification contact Prof. M. K. Marikatti.
  1. Selected students will be intimated via email or phone call by Prof. M. N. Marikatti.
  2. The time allotted for presentation is 10+2 minutes.
  3. Selected papers should be submitted at the selection counter on the day of paper presentation (02 hardcopies and 01 softcopy of PPT in CD).
  4. Participants have to register at registration desk by paying Rs. 150/- per participant.

NOTE: Any changes in the rules will be announced during the start of event.