MAY 28,2022


Time: 9:30 AM
Venue: ROOM NO. 25
Team Size: 2-2
Coordinators: Dr. K. N. Hosur, Prof. Channakka C. L, Suhasini Mishrikoti, Pooja Kotabagi.
Contact: 9611032571, 9916197347, 8762312137, 9482477963
ECE Tech Pirates

Rules and Regulations:
  1. Two members per team.
  2. Replacement of a team member after registration not allowed.
  3. C programming and working with logic gates skills is required.
  4. Registration fees: Rs. 200 per team

There will be 5 rounds:

1st& 2nd round will be the elimination round.
1. Riddle beeThe team members have to solve a quick riddle to move to the next round.
2. Jigsaw the Puzzle: Arranging pieces of the algorithm to formulate the final pseudo code. Analyze the output and you will have your next clue.
3. Quirky circuits: Reduce the complex logic gates.
4. Crazy cipherDecrypt some simple cipher text.
5. Suspense round: The rules will be explained on the day of the event.