MAY 28, 2022
ISE Department
This 1s a team event where players have multiple huddles to tackle. The game consists of five rounds and each round is an elimination round. Each round is filled with various fun games and challenging technical tasks. Each team must decode the hint given to them to win the top spot in each round. Boost up your stamina to rush, tackle and debug to win the great Amazing Tech Race.
Rules and Regulations:
- Undergraduate and Postgraduate students are allowed.
- The participant must carry ID proof to show he/she is a UG/PG student.
- The participant should arrive the task area 15 mins early.
- Use of mobile/phone during the game is not allowed, if found team will be disqualified immediately.
- The decision of organizing committee is final.
- Participants disobeying the rules will be disqualified.
Round 1
Every team should assemble in the specified room. Each team should tackle a secret code (which contains round 1 task information ).
Round 2
Teams that tackles round I and arrive early to the round 2 spot are allowed to participate in this round (number of teams allowed to participate in this round will be decided by organizing committee). This round consists of two different segments (segment 1: Portrait. segment 2: Constructor-Destructor), all team should complete both the segments to qualify for the next round.
Round 3
Teams that tackles round 2 and arrive early to the round 3 spot are allowed to participate in this round (number of teams allowed to participate in this round will be decided by organizing committee). This round consists of two ditferent segments (segment 1: Blind Debug, segment 2: Tech charades), all team should complete both the segments to quality for the next round.
Round 4
Teams that tackles round 3 and arrive early to the round 4 spot are allowed to participate in this round (number of teams allowed to participate in this round will be decided by organizing committee). This round consists of two different segments (Segment l: Crossword. Segment 2: Tower of Hanoi) all team should complete both the segments to quality for the next round.
Round 5
Teams that tackles round 4 and arrive early to the round 5 spot are allowed to participate in this round (number of teams allowed to participate in this round will be decided by organizing committee). This round consists of two different segments (Segment 1: . all team should complete both the segments to win the top spot.